Sunday, April 15, 2012


Introducing Blastocyst, a cellular shooter where players take on the role of a microscopic human being to be.  Yes, those are sperm.

The game will likely take a few more weeks to complete, but the objective is to "swim" around shooting at amoebas, paramecium, and viruses.  Billy the Blastocyst follows the mouse while WASD shoots in 4 directions.

Blastocyst features a few rogue-like elements.  I'm still hashing out the details, but basically Billy goes from one womb area to another while encountering random enemies.  After so many stages, a boss appears.  Potential bosses include Daddy's Penis and a Coat Hanger.

If Billy dies, the game is over.  Players can start over, but will face completely different challenges.  If Billy overcomes all obstacles, he will eventually be born.  Talk about life and death!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Adventures in HTML5

Apparently, HTML5 is the future.  That's what everyone except Adobe keeps saying anyway.  Today, I attempted to get with the times and learn the basics of drawing and animating on an HTML canvas.

Before this morning, I had almost no Javascript experience, which is really what HTML5 is.  Javascript does everything behind the scenes and HTML updates whatever's on the canvas.

Ultimately, I achieved basic movement.  I'm attempting to create a simple game and currently have the character moving via keyboard input.  I managed to get something akin to collision detection, but it's far from sophisticated.  Timed events are giving me a headache.  I should probably get a book on Javascript or something.  It's not working at all and I have no idea why.

Still, for a day's effort into completely new territory, I shouldn't be too discouraged.

Boo yeah, internet.  Boo yeah.

Changing Focus

Hey. Andy here. This is my blog. It used to be about writing short stories and science fiction. I didn't update it very much. Few people read it. Meh. Meh. Meh.

For those who care (my cats), I'm still writing fiction, but this blog is changing focus. Now it's about tech – which is to say it's about video games, programming, and operating systems.

Basically, I'll be making ocassional updates about projects I'm working on. Also, there will be rants and well-thought out criticisms of the internetz.

Here's what I think of Chatroulette: